Industry Knowledge & Trends Five keys to connect with China’s wired consumers At-Luxury Official119 May 2016443Views3LikesChina is the world’s largest and most dynamic e-commerce market. But being successful requires understanding and embracing its unique digital landscape and…Read more
Industry Knowledge & Trends Uncategorized Key data of the People’s Republic of China At-Luxury Official127 January 20161KViews2LikesOne Sentence Overview In 2015, over 40% of the total worldwide E-commerce spend came from China. Demographics • Population: 1.379 billion 0-14…Read more
Industry Knowledge & Trends Cross Border E-Commerce is luring Chinese shoppers At-Luxury Official15 September 2015334Views2LikesRising demand for foreign products, new platforms, and a push by the government are propelling the trend. As incomes have risen in…Read more
Industry Knowledge & Trends Here comes the modern Chinese consumer At-Luxury Official15 February 2015381Views3LikesDespite concerns about economic growth, the country’s consumers keep spending. Yet our latest survey reveals changes in what they’re buying and how…Read more