Understanding Cross-Border KOL – a series of articles brought to you by AtMall, a marketing and distribution company in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
This is a three-part series where we will be explaining Cross-Border KOL and its components:
1) What is it
2) Why is it important
3) The benefits
In today’s piece, we will focus on what the craze is all about, the impact it has had and where it is going. In subsequent articles, we will touch on explaining the WHY and it benefits. Let’s get started..
Understanding Cross-Border KOL – What is it?

KOL is an abbreviation of Key Opinion Leaders, also known as Influencers, these are defined as people with the ability to influence purchasing decisions of their audience by promoting Brands and their products on social media platforms. Cross-Border KOLs are therefore Cross-Border Influencers, and as the name suggests, impactful across many market regions.
The trend arose in China and not surprisingly, the vast majority of cross-border KOLs are of Chinese origin located in European/Western countries and active on both Western and Chinese social media platforms. Regardless of geographical locations in Europe/Western countries, Cross-Border KOLs exert a huge influence on the decision-making process of Chinese consumers across the world. As in life, there is a large spectrum and Cross-Border KOLs range from the hundreds to MILLIONS of followers. Cross-Border KOLs communicate their ideas on brands and products to their followers by sharing their personal experiences with them on social media platforms, which greatly influences their followers’ willingness to try out (new) brands and products.

The past decade has seen the evolution of digital commerce from the original e-commerce to gradually shift towards m-commerce and now the trend is pointing to streaming commerce, which is fully operated by influencers, is going to take the lead in the near future.
If you are considering entering the Chinese market, KOLs are perfect brand ambassadors and in particular to generate brand awareness in the market.
Want to connect with Cross-border KOL? Email us: info@cross-border-kol.com
Keep watching as in the coming days, we will bring you the second instalment in Cross-Border KOL series.